Does anybody have any cool projects using AR.js?

I just learned about it and created a simple “hello world” web app. I was amazed at how easy it was! I want to see some impressive projects that people have created with it, but I haven’t found any yet.

You might enjoy checking out projects like marker-based AR for 3D models, image tracking for interactive content, or location-based AR for cool maps and games. You can also try integrating custom 3D models or even building something advanced like an animatronic box head.

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I must admit, it’s quite a work in progress and not exactly the most reliable at the moment. I’m trying to see if I can get an AR hand in the AR environment, but it’s not quite working. I would really appreciate hearing your thoughts on what you find important, useful, or fun.

I haven’t been keen on this side of AR but you can check out more projects from github. I have fetch you this link AR.js · GitHub