Any AR glasses that fit over regular glasses...?

I’m not thrilled with the idea of prescription lenses, so I was wondering if the Xreal or Viture or any other glasses can fit over my glasses. I would really appreciate any experiences you all have had with this.

None if you like comfort, all if you’re a masochist. I did it with Rokid and Nreal in the early days and hated it. I had red marks on my nose due to the increased weight and pressure from wearing them over my glasses. My suggestion is to just get the inserts. HSA/FSA accounts usually will pay or reimburse for the inserts, and that’s how I pay for mine.

That sounds really uncomfortable. I guess I would rather avoid that experience, especially for longer use. How do the inserts actually work?

The inserts are custom lenses that fit into the AR glasses, so you don’t have to wear your regular glasses underneath. You send in your prescription, and they take care of the rest. It’s definitely more comfortable than layering glasses.

You can always use contact lenses instead of your regular glasses if you want the AR glasses without prescription lenses. That could be a good alternative if comfort is a priority.

That’s a good suggestion. I have considered contacts before. Do you have any recommendations for comfortable ones? I have heard mixed reviews about different brands.

I’ve found that daily disposables work well for me. They are convenient because you can just pop them in and out each day without worrying about cleaning them like regular lenses.

That sounds easy enough. I might try that option before I commit to getting lenses for the AR glasses.

I have seen some reviews mentioning that the Viture glasses have a bit more space for regular glasses underneath. It might be worth checking those out if you are really set on not getting the inserts.

Thanks for the suggestion. I will look into Viture and see what others are saying about their comfort level when worn over prescription glasses.

Just make sure to try them on if you can. Everyone’s face shape is different, which means what might be uncomfortable for one person could actually work for another person just fine.

That is a good point. I will definitely keep that in mind while I explore my options. Thank you for all the helpful advice.