Valve just privatized the Developer Pre-release channel

Valve has privated the ‘Developer Pre-release’ channel for the first time in years, the source of all the past Deckard/Roy datamined leaks. Anyone else think this is a big deal? What do you all make of it?

Wow, that’s a huge move. I can’t believe they did that. Any idea why now?

IDK, maybe they want to keep things under wraps for a while. Could be prepping for a big announcement.

That makes sense. I just hope we still get some leaks, lol.

I was following those leaks pretty closely. This is kind of disappointing…

Same here. The leaks were fun, but I guess Valve wants to control the narrative now.

Yeah, but it feels like we’re missing out on some cool details.

Anyone know if this affects the timeline for the Deckard headset?

Not sure, but it might mean we’ll have to wait longer for updates.

That would be a bummer. I was really hoping to see something soon.

So does this mean the Roy controller leaks are done for too?

Looks like it. They might just keep everything a secret now.

That’s kinda sad. I was looking forward to more info on that.

Has Valve ever done something like this before? Seems pretty drastic.

Not really, at least not in recent years. They usually let the leaks flow.

Yeah, it’s definitely a change in their strategy.