Suggestions on good and affordable Plant id app


I recently started getting into gardening and exploring nature trails, and I’m fascinated by the variety of plants I encounter. However, I’m often stumped when it comes to identifying them. I think a good plant identification app would be incredibly helpful.

Try PlantSnap.
This app is known for its large database and accuracy. It allows users to identify plants, flowers, trees, succulents, and mushrooms by taking a picture. It offers a free version with limited features and a premium version for more detailed plant information and an ad-free experience.

The greatest one I’ve found so far is iNaturalist. It is superior to any other app I’ve tried as long as it allows location access, not to mention that people can assist in identifying your findings.

I’ll watch it later, thanks. :heart:

iNaturalist is an amazing software that ought to be on everyone’s device. Its identifications have always seemed to me to be quite accurate.