I’d like to create an augmented reality app with the ability to register and accurately display the registered position of the mobile device in 3D space. So when the user moves away from their previous position, they can view that point in relation to their new location on the screen when they point their camera towards it. I’d also like to be able to save multiple locations for the next time the app is open and share these locations with another user. A few questions I have: Is it possible to achieve something like this using a modern phone without the use of external sensors? If so, is there a maximum distance until the positions lose integrity for this kind of functionality? Also, if so, are there any specific Android device recommendations that would be suitable? Generally speaking, how would you go about matching a ‘real-life position’ to a digital anchor to ensure the next time you use the app, it will accurately show the position and distance of saved points relative to that anchor? I have programming experience with C# and understand a lot of developers use Unity for VR/AR, but I am hoping to find out if there are some better options for this kind of application. I appreciate any advice you can offer. Thank you.
Why are AR developers still developing for flat screen mobile devices? There’s no future or even really current use for this. The extent of AR’s success is social media selfie features. If you want to do any meaningful work, you should be developing on Meta Quest or Apple Vision Pro. Everyone is buying them like hotcakes.
Very good idea. I imagine a really good use case could be parking a car. I don’t know if it’s possible now, but it sounds possible at least in the future.
If you use C#, then go check out the Azure Anchors service to save the anchors on the cloud. It could help with your requirements.
You should check out this article about improving shared AR experiences with Cloud Anchors in ARCore. It might have some insights relevant to your project.
What kind of distance between positions are you planning for? That could impact how you manage the anchors.