Hey guys, I would love some community feedback on this new app I have been working on. It is on Apple TestFlight and you can sign up here Augify.ca to download the beta version. In summary, I want to create the YouTube for AR where anyone can freely create and consume AR experiences. The MVP only works with videos on top of 2D markers like photos, prints, flyers, and so on for now, and we will be adding features soon. Let me know what you think. Notes: we are still fixing bugs on the Android version, but it will be out soon. Thanks.
I think you need a video if you want to promote an app.
That’s a good point. I’m working on putting together a video to showcase the app.
Here is the link to the website Augify.ca.
Hey there! Looks like you’re a new user trying to upload an image - thanks for joining our community. We’ve filtered your comment for moderator review. In the meantime, feel free to engage with others without sharing images until you’ve spent a bit more time getting to know the space.
I’m new to Reddit. Good point. Does that work? TikTok - Make Your Day
Yeah, that video looks good. It gives a better idea of what the app does.
Thanks for the feedback. I’m glad it helps clarify things.