Need Help Creating an Opacity Slider for Lipstick Filter on TikTok Effect House

What’s up good people,

I’m working on a lipstick try-on filter for a makeup brand in TikTok’s Effect House. I’ve managed to script the toggle to switch between different lip shades, but I’m stuck on creating an opacity slider that lets users control the opacity of the lipstick layer.

Has anyone done this before or know how to implement an opacity slider in Effect House? I’d really appreciate any tips or guidance. Thanks in advance :blush:

When I was working on a project for a makeup brand, I faced a similar challenge with creating a customizable lipstick filter. To add an opacity slider in TikTok’s Effect House, you’d typically need to use the built-in scripting tools. Here’s a quick rundown: you first create a UI slider that users can interact with. Then, link this slider to the opacity property of your lipstick layer. The script should adjust the opacity value based on the slider’s input. I remember it being a bit tricky at first, but once I linked the slider’s value to the opacity control, it worked seamlessly. If you’re having trouble, checking the Effect House documentation or community forums can also provide useful examples and troubleshooting tips.

Use the Opacity property in the layer settings and script a slider to control it. Check Effect House docs for specifics.