Is there any SDK available for the Xreal One and One Pro? I know the Air/Ultra Air had One, but the website is a bit confusing and makes it sound like they’re ending support. Are the Ones even capable of running apps, or is it only usable to display a screen from another device?
The Pro will have a camera add-on we know about, but currently, it’s just the one lens announced. So it’s not really aimed at AR. The X1 SOC SDK isn’t announced yet, but they seem to be steering in the direction of Google and Qualcomm. It’s going to be an Android XR HMD basically, so you might want to build on ARCore, WebXR, etc.
Your app needs to be designed to run on source devices. The Xreal One / One Pro aren’t designed to store or run apps natively. The X1 chip is ASIC designed to optimize the 3DoF functionality and glasses configuration OSD.
Ok thanks. It seems like whatever SDK was available for older models is not going to be supported, so I will wait to see if they make something new. Ideally, I would like to just use the ‘clear’ dimming setting of the glasses for pass-through. But I don’t even know how clear that really is. Anyways, good to know there is a possibility this might be a product that can work for me, but I will have to wait to see on that. Thanks