Index left controller losing tracking randomly on 2.0 bases only... any ideas?

I just bought a used Valve Index kit, but the left controller seems to lose tracking randomly when moving quickly, like when I’m playing Beat Saber. I switched to my 1.0 base stations from my Vive, and it’s stopped happening. Is there any possible config issue, or is this just faulty hardware? They’re mounted to the wall the same way the Vive ones are, but maybe I’m angling them differently. Am I missing out on anything if the Vive bases sufficiently cover my room?

The V2’s do cover a slightly larger area. Maybe one is hitting something reflective that the V1’s aren’t hitting. That’s just wild speculation, though. It could be something physically wrong with it. You might want to test them one at a time and see if the fault follows the base station.

I had a similar issue with my setup. I found that adjusting the angles of the base stations helped a lot. Have you tried repositioning them a bit?

If the Vive bases are working fine, you might not be missing out on much. The tracking might be a bit better with the Index bases, but if the Vive ones are covering your room adequately, you should be fine.

I think it could also be a software issue. Have you updated the firmware on your Index controllers and base stations? Sometimes that helps with tracking issues.

Just to clarify, are you using any additional lighting in the room? Sometimes extra light can mess with the tracking. If you have a lot of reflective surfaces, that might be an issue too.