Cool VR conference in Miami

This looks like a good VR conference and affordable. At the University of Miami. Some good speakers, including Jeremy Bailenson.

Conference Details:

  • Day 1: Thursday, 2/6/2025
    5:00 PM - Registrations Opens
    5:30 PM - Student Welcome Remarks | Mia Uy
    5:40 PM - Welcome Remarks | Provost Willy Prado
    5:50 PM - Faculty Welcome Remarks | Kim Grinfeder
    5:55 PM - Intro to XR at the U | Thomas Merrick
    6:05 PM - Lightning Talks
    6:35 PM - SPEAKER | Dan O’Brien
    6:55 PM - Meta
    7:00-8:00 PM - Networking Cocktails

  • Day 2: Friday, 2/7/2025
    9:00 AM - Registration Opens | BREAKFAST
    10:00 AM - Welcome Remarks | Mia Uy
    10:10 AM - Lightning Talks
    10:30 AM - KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Jeremy Bailenson
    11:15 AM - Break
    11:35 AM - PANEL: Jobs in XR | John Cunningham
    12:15 PM - LUNCH and DEMOS | Bryson Rudolph
    1:30 PM - Lightning Talks
    1:50 PM - SPEAKER: Carolina Cruz Neira
    2:35 PM - Break
    3:00 PM - PANEL: Recent Grads in Industry
    3:45 PM - Closing Remarks | Kim Grinfeder
    4:00-5:00 PM - Cocktail Reception

More info can be found at Miami XR 2025.

Pretty cool lineup and affordable I agree! That said, it always amazes me how many VR conferences are not held in VR. Why limit attendance to those who can get to Miami for a 2-day event? Given the climate issues, it would be great to have it online or livestreamed.