Best degrees for AR and VR development?

I was interested in returning to college to get another undergrad degree to supplement my current one. I’ve always been heavily interested in Virtual and Augmented Reality development. It’s come a long way since I’ve graduated, and I wanted to pursue that. I found a few overlapping options at my university like ‘Game Art and Design’ and ‘Information Science.’ Both seem to dabble in it. I figured it wouldn’t hurt asking around here. Which direction would be best to pursue this? Anyone here have some intel to help me out?

What kind of role are you looking to get if you were to graduate with this degree? i.e., developer? manager? R&D? small company? corporation?

Electrical engineering is also a solid option! It can provide a strong foundation for AR/VR tech.

Game Art and Design sounds great if you’re leaning toward the creative side. But if you want more technical skills, maybe look into Computer Science or Software Engineering.

Information Science can be useful too, especially if you’re interested in data management related to AR/VR applications!

If you’re thinking about R&D, a degree in Human-Computer Interaction could also be beneficial. It’s super relevant for AR/VR.