Backup Steam VR and OVR advanced settings/configuration... any tips?

Hi, is there a way to backup the Steam VR and OVR advanced configuration? I have configured two Chaperone areas that I can choose using OVR advanced and I would like to bring everything to my next PC without having to repeat the entire configuration. All considering that the base stations of my Index will not be moved anyway. Thanks!

I think you can back up the configuration files for Steam VR. They’re usually located in the Steam directory under ‘config’ or ‘settings’.

For OVR advanced settings, you can usually find the configuration files in the OVR directory. Just copy those files to your new PC.

Before moving everything, make sure to document any unique settings you have. It can help in case something doesn’t transfer correctly.

Once you’ve backed everything up, don’t forget to verify the settings on your new PC. Sometimes paths or configurations can change.

If you run into any issues, the Steam forums can be a good resource for troubleshooting. Lots of helpful folks there.